Submission Guidelines and Themes for the Edited Volume titled Creative Disruption: Impact of AI on English Language and Literature Studies

 Dear Scholars and Researchers!

We invite original, scholarly contributions for the edited book titled Creative Disruption: Impact of AI on English Language and Literature Studies. This volume seeks to explore the profound ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the fields of English literature and language, including teaching, learning, literary analysis, syllabi framing, and creative writing.

We encourage original and unpublished Book Chapters that address the following themes:

  • AI-driven literary analysis: Uncovering themes (Analysis of literary texts)

  • Ethical concerns: Algorithmic bias, data privacy, and fairness while using AI for literary studies

  • Role of AI in transforming literature pedagogy and curriculum design

  • Comparative studies: AI’s application in global literature and cross-cultural analysis

  • AI and Translations

  • AI and creative writing: Human vs machine-authored literature

  • The impact of AI on language learning and linguistic studies

  • Challenges and limitations of AI in understanding literary depth and complexity

  • Immersive learning experiences: AI and virtual reality in literary education

  • Future trajectories: The long-term impact of AI on English language and literature

  • Role of Teacher in AI enabled teaching learning

  • Any other relevant aspect pertaining to the AI, Literature and Language Studies

Submission Requirements:

  1. Content Specifications:

    • Each entry should be original, thoroughly researched, and critical that examines a specific aspect of AI's impact on English language and literature .

    • Submissions should be analytical and argumentative wherever relevant and not simply descriptive. Authors are encouraged to critically engage with AI-driven technologies and explore their potential, limitations, and ethical implications.

    • Chapters should explore how AI intersects with language and literature studies (English) in areas such as:

      • Literary analysis (thematic and stylistic)

      • Creative writing and authorship

      • Pedagogy and curriculum design

      • Comparative cross-cultural literary studies

      • AI’s role in language learning and text interpretation

      • The sub-themes mentioned above

    • Each chapter should be supported with relevant examples, case studies, or literary references and engage with current debates and advancements in AI as they pertain to language and literature studies.

    • Abstract should be written in 300-350 words outlining the key argument, methodology, and potential contributions of the proposed chapter.

    • The abstract should clearly state the specific aspect of AI's impact on literature or language you will address.

    • Four to six keywords

    • The chapters written only in English will be accepted

  2. Word Limit:

    • 3,000-5,000 words, excluding the Works Cited section.

    • The length is negotiable depending on the depth and scope of the topic.

  3. Citation Style:

    • All submissions should adhere to either the MLA 8th or MLA 9th Edition citation format for both in-text citations and the Works Cited section.

    • Proper citation of sources and adherence to academic integrity are mandatory.

    • Originality of the manuscript will be checked and plagiarism report will be shared to the author. Manuscript with less than 10% similarity will be considered for publication.

  1. Chapter Submission:

    • Final manuscripts should be submitted by 20 November 2024 as a Microsoft Word document.

    • The document should include a title, author’s name, institutional affiliation, and a brief bio (not exceeding 150 words).

    • The chapter must be submitted as a SINGLE Word file and emailed to

  2. Format:

    • Font: Times New Roman, 12-point.

    • Line spacing: 1.5.

    • Margin: 1 inch on all sides.

    • Title: Times New Roman, 18-Point

    • Headings in the chapter: Times New Roman, 14-Point

  3. Peer Review and Revision Process:

    • All submissions will undergo a single blind peer review process.

    • Authors will receive feedback on their drafts within 8 days from the day of submission of the manuscript.

    • Revised drafts will need to be submitted by 7 days from the intimation.

  4. No publication fees:

    • There are no fees for the submission or publication.

    • We aim to collaborate with a reputed academic publisher of national/international level for this volume.

  5. Deadlines:

    • Chapter Submission Deadline: 20 November 2024

    • Feedback on Submissions: Within 8 days from the submission of the full chapter

    • Revised Draft Submission Deadline: Within 7 days

    • Final Submission to Publisher: January/February 2025


Dr. Shivaji Methe

Dr. Abhijeet Dawle

Dr. Rajiv Junne

Contact Information:

Please direct any questions or submit your manuscripts to:

Dr. Abhijeet Dawle


Contact No.: 09960765485

We look forward to your contributions and the opportunity to explore how AI is reshaping the study and understanding of English literature and language.


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